Saturday, June 30, 2012

Just another note to myself.  How about another change in the blog title?
Maybe "The Special Spot"? 

Or "Intervention Intrigue" ?  

Or either title with my name in front of it?

Or some type of alliteration with my name...that means lots of p's...the letter, that is.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Ok, so I changed my blog name AGAIN and my URL.  Am I hiding from everyone or what?  Or am I just trying to give myself a good reason for not having any followers?  Whatever.  I will continue to blog my own little diary and spend HOURS checking out all the other blogs...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Silent Blog

So if you blog and nobody reads it, are you really blogging?  I am thinking this is more difficult than I, not really because I always thought it looked nearly impossible.  And I am not sure I will keep the same name or the same background, or anything else so having followers probably isn't even a good idea right now. 

This will end up just being my own little "journal" of my journey into the world of blogging.  An old experienced teacher venturing into the new world of technology...

Speaking of which, today was spent at yet another professional development opportunity giving me great ideas on how to use the mimio in my classroom.  Lots of great ideas,  Now if I can just figure out how to hook it up and turn it on...

I am thinking my summer plans for finding the basement floor in my laundry room, decluttering my house, and organizing my scrapbooking materials are probably not going to happen while I sit at the computer and venture into new technology.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A new Adventure

The summer is starting with a new adventure in blogging.  I got all excited when I started in the blogging world with a peek at some wonderful blogs of young teachers in my elementary building. I thought, "I can do this." 

Then, of course, my next thought was "And just exactly how do I go about doing this?" Lucky for me, I found the blog of a wonderful, young teacher in my building.  You might be familiar with her site "Second Grade Sugar and Spice" by Christina DeCarbo? 

I mentioned to Christina that I had been reading her blog and how great I thought it was and how I would like to try my hand at creating a blog of my own but had no idea how to do that. As we talked, she told me about a workshop she would be presenting on teacher blogging and Teachers Pay Teachers.  So, of course, I signed up for her workshop as soon as I could and here I am trying to figure this whole thing out. The workshop was this afternoon and after a pause for celebrating my birthday with my family, I am back at trying to "figure this whole thing out".  

I have already changed my blog name and URL 3 4 times and my background twice. (And I still don't really like it). Lucky for me, I have the whole summer to play around and, hopefully, "get it right."  And, if you like, you can follow along on my summer adventure and see the changes as I continue along my adventure in blogging. 

I think I am going to be glad I started the 2nd day of my summer.  Just maybe I will know what I am doing by the time school starts in August.